söndag 12 juni 2011

Do I have bad leadership when training my dog?

Excellent article written for those who worry about "weak leadership" when it comes to dog training. Having trained Noch for some time now, I know that I mean more to him (i.e. am more reinforcing to him) than just "a treat dispenser". And yet, that is exactly what seems to horrify people who have only watched certain dog programmes on TV that use dominance-theory-methods and never heard of clicker training. It is strange because the same people can be horrified at the fact that I "only" feed Noch once a day and even fast him sometimes.

An article supporting my own belief that dogs are capable of so much more if trained positively. They are trained to interact, think and learn which is priceless in a companion dog (in my point of view).


Dog can decipher different recorded growls

Fascinating article about how dogs can understand different types of growls without even having to see the other dog. For example a play growl versus a guarding-food growl.


Yet another article supporting the fact that dominance-based training can lead to aggression


"In addition, dogs brought to the hospital for aggressive behavior towards familiar people were more likely to respond aggressively to some confrontational techniques than dogs brought in for other behavioral reasons.

"This study highlights the risk of dominance-based training, which has been made popular by TV, books and punishment-based training advocates," Herron said. "These techniques are fear-eliciting and may lead to owner-directed aggression.""

lördag 11 juni 2011

Platform training for positions!

Looks great. I want to try this!
