söndag 30 oktober 2011

Interesting podcasts! Clarifying what clicker training is.

How clicker training opens up a channel of two-way communication between animal and trainer.
"Karen Reads from Reaching the Animal Mind"
with Karen Pryor.

Link to intro page:

Link to actual podcast:

"Are You Clicker Training, or Training with a Clicker?"
with Kathy Sdao.

Link to intro page:

The actual podcast:

lördag 15 oktober 2011

Lots of great stuff (counter conditioning and obsolete dominance training)

Victoria Stilwell tips on dog training: (dominance training is obsolete)

Sophia Yin – excellnt explanation of how counter conditioning works! A concept that has taken me time to understand fully:

lördag 3 september 2011

Book tip of the day - Barbera Handelman, Canine Behaviour

A book I want to buy when I have the money and space to store it :)

Barbera Handelman "Canine Behaviour - A Photo Illustrated Handbook"

It is filled with great images that are a mix of photos of domesticated dogs interacting and wolfs interacting. Se this example below of "obnoxious submission" (read more about it on her blog):

Link to her blog:

söndag 12 juni 2011

Do I have bad leadership when training my dog?

Excellent article written for those who worry about "weak leadership" when it comes to dog training. Having trained Noch for some time now, I know that I mean more to him (i.e. am more reinforcing to him) than just "a treat dispenser". And yet, that is exactly what seems to horrify people who have only watched certain dog programmes on TV that use dominance-theory-methods and never heard of clicker training. It is strange because the same people can be horrified at the fact that I "only" feed Noch once a day and even fast him sometimes.

An article supporting my own belief that dogs are capable of so much more if trained positively. They are trained to interact, think and learn which is priceless in a companion dog (in my point of view).


Dog can decipher different recorded growls

Fascinating article about how dogs can understand different types of growls without even having to see the other dog. For example a play growl versus a guarding-food growl.


Yet another article supporting the fact that dominance-based training can lead to aggression


"In addition, dogs brought to the hospital for aggressive behavior towards familiar people were more likely to respond aggressively to some confrontational techniques than dogs brought in for other behavioral reasons.

"This study highlights the risk of dominance-based training, which has been made popular by TV, books and punishment-based training advocates," Herron said. "These techniques are fear-eliciting and may lead to owner-directed aggression.""

lördag 11 juni 2011

Platform training for positions!

Looks great. I want to try this!


söndag 29 maj 2011

Shaping crows for the good of all mankind!


fredag 27 maj 2011

Varför skvallerträning funkar (why the "look at that" game really works)

(To all english speaking people out there, sorry, this is in swedish).

Jag mÅSTE bara ha ekonomi att träna med en riktig klickerinstruktör snart!

Anti-vilt träning:

Kannonbra exempel av skvallerträning, hur det egentligen går till:

Och här är en jättebra förklaring om känslor och varför skvallerträning funkar så bra!

Oerhört välskrivet:
"Ta exempel med hundar som är osäkra på andra hundar på promenaden och gör utfall. Utfall är beteendet som man vill få bort. Det första man gör då är att ändra hundens känsla för att se andra hundar genom klassisk betingning. Först när hunden har ändrat sin känsla går vi över på det operanta och vill ha ett beteende (fokus på föraren, sitt eller vad man vill) som vi kan förstärka. Men det går inge bra alls om vi hoppar över den klassiska betingningen och går för fort fram. Jag tror nog samma gäller med ljudande. Det gäller att i första hand ändra känslan hos hunden, sen arbeta med beteendet."

onsdag 25 maj 2011

Today I found these new great everyday-manners-exercises that I want to try

... all from Karen Pryor Clickertraining:

"Teaching You Puppy Impulse Control"

"Dogs Like Kids They Feel Safe With"

And then I also read:

"Tips for Preventing Dog Bites"

... that had this incredibly important piece of advice:
"Train the dog — Take your dog to obedience classes where positive reinforcement is used. Never pin, shake, choke, hold the dog down, or roll the dog over to teach it a lesson. Dogs treated this way are likely to turn their aggression on weaker family members."

fredag 20 maj 2011

Dog claw/nail trim, good photos

Although I promote positive reinforcement when it comes to teaching your dog to be OK with nail clipping, these photos I found helpful in identifying what cutting too close to the quick might look like.

They also show the grey oval that appears in a good cut in a black coloured nail (my dog unfortunately has black nails on all his paws).


How I cut my dog's nails using positive reinforcement: